Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Doorbell Rang.....Division

We read the book 'The Doorbell Rang' written by Pat Hutchins and realised that each time the doorbell rang the children in the story used division to share the cookies evenly with their guests.

We then used the dialogue from the story to complete our own division equations. We used counters to represent the cookies, then drew them and completed the written equation.

We later went to challenge ourselves more by using a larger amount of cookies that did not share evenly. The students realised they could use their fraction knowledge to share all the cookies out evenly.

Maths is always around us!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Money Rotations

To revise the maths topic 'money' we completed some rotations. We revised making different amounts of money, adding money amounts and calculating change by the difference or shopkeeper's method. The students completed different activities and rotated between a focus group with Miss Bennett, independent money activities and completing money activities on Mathletics on the computer.
Focus group practicing the
shopkeeper's method in pairs, to work out how much change is required.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mmmm Mini Pizzas!

We decided to tie our writing topic of Procedural Texts with our Integrated Studies topic of Healthy and Happy Me. First we got to make our own delicious mini pizza and then we recorded our procedure. We included the title, ingredients and all the steps we followed.

We used English muffins as the base and could choose from toppings of cheese, pineapple, ham, mushrooms and capsicum.

They certainly were a delicious snack!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Healthy and Happy Me Incursion

The students participated in an interactive and very entertaining incursion run by Pete. They learnt the importance of healthy food choices, parts of the body and about digestion.

Pretending to be food travelling down the oesphagus.

Food in the stomach.
Travelling from the small intestine to the large intestine.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Maths: Symmetry

In Maths we have been learning about symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes. We have had lots of fun drawing the other half to pictures and investigating symmetrical patterns.

Three students using a mirror to check if the pattern they made was symmetrical.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Healthy and Happy Me- Term 3 Integrated Studies Topic

As we were learning about healthy food choices, the Grade Two's all made their own healthy sandwhich. Some students tried sandwich fillings they had not had before and everyone had either wholemeal or multigrain bread. The students could choose to have cheese, lettuce, tomato, carrot, cucumber or beetroot (with many deciding to have a sandwich with the lot!) They did a great job preparing all the food and most importantly enjoyed eating a healthy lunch.

An example of a student preparing their sandwich and a finished product YUM!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Term 3 Writing: Procedural Text

In Term Three we wrote many different Procedural Texts. This type of writing includes a title, headings, a series of steps, list-like structure, bullets and ingredients/equipment/materials. The students got very good at writing procedures for others to follow and we even learnt how to do some new things from our peers.

Here one student is demonstrating all the steps involved in 'brushing our teeth.' We needed to include little things like turning the tap on and off and putting the toothpaste cap on and off.
Students working
hard on their
'Brushing Your
Teeth Procedure.'