Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Term 1 Integrated Studies Topic: Relationships

In Term One we learnt all about 'Relationships'. We investigated the attributes of good friends, how to make new friends and how to maintain friendships. We realised that everyone is different in their own way and that it is important to be sensitive to these differences. We also used Fairy Tales and other story books to look at various types of relationships.

We brainstormed all of the attributes and qualities 'good friends' have.

We displayed our thoughts and ideas using a mind map, which is graphic organiser.

Here two students are learning about each other and developing a relationship. During this activity students needed to interview each other to find out what they had in common and any differences they could find. Their information is presented in a Venn Diagram, which is another graphic organiser.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Hello and welcome to our Blog. We will be updating this Blog with some of the exciting activities we have done and the experiences we have had, during our Grade two year. We are very excited to be able to share our learning and school life with our families. We hope you enjoy following our journey and progress throughout the year.

We are a great team!